By Revelation
Brothers and sisters in Christ,
As you may already know, apocalypse
contrary to popular perception, does not necessarily mean
overwhelming catastrophe but rather revelation, enlightenment, or discovery.
After many years of
searching for an answer to the seeming endemic injustice and consequent poverty
of this world, I mercifully became aware of the reality of Jesus Christ as God.
I eventually realized the power of prayer as I remembered that Jesus had taught
that we could always pray to God the Father in His name for anything we need,
of course including for what we should pray.
Despite the concatenations
of crises we currently seem to be experiencing, as true altruistic civilization
obtains our survival we are beginning to embark on a profound evolution of
human civilization. This document signals the beginning of extinction of those
who sold themselves to destruction, the consequent end of deception as
political ideology, and force and greed as political strategies.
Within the past 35 or so
years I have distributed copies of this document to thousands of influential
organizations and individuals. Now, as forcefully constructed political
dominances more vigorously, incompetently, and irrelevantly assert their
denials of justice before finally collapsing, there is need for wider
publication of this promise of hope for humanity. People need to better
understand how social and political evolution have been falsely constrained, at
least to know how best to negotiate our endangered futures.
Many have had their lives
affected by usurpation of power that truly belongs to justice. Many have been
constrained to worship God as overwhelming beneficent will only as permitted. Many
were often forcefully prevented from understanding of the only altruistic
religion that has, however imperfectly, begun to establish sustainable
civilization. Some have recently even chosen not to breed from fear of the
We must always be careful
of judging others as vengeance belongs to the Lord. There is only one way to
defeat despair and corruption, and that is by love, by giving.
As happens, as happen. I
bet be, b.
Maurice J. White BA
(Hons), MAHist, BTheol, GCertSocRes, CertInfoTech, GDipProfW
Blessed be those who
die in the name of the Lord from now on, for they will have known peace on
On the Third of December
1981 in Balmain, New South Wales, Australia, I prayed the Father to remove all
He asked me, As? He
then told me He would remove all evil as me.
He told me that Aleister Crowley had sold his soul to satan
for a thousand years, and become Leviathan, satan s
sow , having become satan.
Satan sowed. Ten
others sold their souls to be as satan for a thousand
years, and became satan as Crowley. They were Meher Baba, Jiddu Krishnamurti, Lafayette Ronald Hubbard, Maharishi Mahesh
Yogi, Guru Maharaj Ji also known as Prem Rawat, A.C. Bhaktivedanta
Swami Prabhupada, David Berg also known as Moses
David, Bagwhan Shree Rajneesh also known as Osho, Swami Muktananda, and Satyananda Saraswati.
He also told me that seven
others had sold their souls to become king of the errs for a thousand years
and become Crowley as Crowley had become satan. They
were Josef Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Mao Tse Dung, Nguyen
Van Thieu, Jean-Bedel Bokassa, Mengistu Haile Mariam and George Corley Wallace.
Men became possessed by
will, and women by want, and became the kingdom of the errs . As it
became extinct, the kingdom of the errs as satan
began to become the saints of Jesus who had been sealed for God, and to die
from the Earth.
Fate, fatal. Sow,
Greed did not breed.
Will is all. All is,
yet is not.
Blessed be those who live
in the name of the Lord from now on, because they will have known freedom from
Maurice John Philip White
2020 Maurice J. White